The masthead of the front cover is unique as the whole masthead is sans serif although the U is in serif. This will make the front cover unconventional as there is some variation.
The text on this front cover is great as it changes from serif to sans serif. Also there is not a lot of text that will clutter the front page. The headline of this page is in bold and in a different font, which will act as a lure for the audience.
The image on this front cover is good as it looks as if it was taken on location but has focused on only the model. The model is giving direct address as he is looking at the camera, which is conventional.
The model in the image is wearing a suit with a bow tie which will appeal to the older audience as his dress code is formal. This also makes the front page conventional. The pose the model is using is formal and straight to the point as he is just looking at the camera side on and smiling. In addition the image was also a medium shot of the model.
There is a pug in the top right hand corner which is conventional as the pug will draw the reader to turn the page and read on. Also the pug will act as a sneak peek on the shelf as the magazine will cross over.
There is a puff on the magazine front cover showing that there is 120 reviews in this issue.
In addition there is another puff in the bottom on the page which includes some advertisement.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- I would like to vary from sans serif and serif in my magazine as it makes it unique.
- The model wearing formal clothes as it would attract the older audience.
- The puffs and pugs as it would attract the audience.
Good Harry, a much better use of media terminology here and you are now moving into Level 3 overall.