Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Research: Theorists

We have been looking at many theorists. Here are some of the theorists:
1. Dyer said "How we are seen determines how we are treated" also " A star is an image, not a real person."

2. Mulvey said that women's images and looks are modelled on "male gaze."

3. Julian McDougall (2009) said "In the online age it is getting harder to conceive a media audience as a stable, indentifiable group."

4. Stuart Hall (1997) said " Defines representation as 'The process by which members of a culture use language to provide meaning.' From this meaning, he says we can already see that 'Representation' can not possibly be a fixed unchangeable notion.
Example of Dyer "A star is an image"
This is an example of Mulveys 'Male Gaze'


  1. Complete this Harry. It has the potential of being a good summary. To improve you could add images from front covers and contents pages as emaples.
