Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Monday, 22 February 2016
Media Product Evaluation 6
- Lumix Fz62. This was the camera used to take the images featured in my project. It was very challenging operating this as I was new to it but I'd say the images came out great.
- ADOBE Elements 11. This was the programme I used to create the product. Once again I found it very challenging and complicated. Also I was new to using it. Using the editing tools for instance; the sponge tool to cover any unwanted spots and marks came in quite helpful when finishing the images. Using this programme was very time consuming but the outcome was worth it.
- Mac. This was the first time using a Mac. Locating all of the programmes and just looking for the on button! But without a doubt, it was worth it in the end as it was the main piece of technology was the Mac.
- Scanner. The scanner was another crucial piece of technology, as it was used to send any physical work onto my blog.
- Blogger. Before, I had not used Blogger so once again I was new to this. Blogger is how I published all my work through out this course.
- Prezi. Prezi is one of the programmes I used to create some of my work in a more interesting way. It was a challenge creating some work on Prezi as it was very time consuming.
- Flickr. Flickr is a website I used to post some of my images so some of the target audience could view and share their opinion on them. It proved very useful as some of the images posted on Flickr were in my final product.
- Slideshare. This was a very helpful website that has helped create some post on my Blog.
- SD Card Reader. This was how I transferred all the images from the Lumix Fz62 to the Mac.
Media Product Evaluation 5
How did you attract/address your audience?
One of the main things I did to attract my target audience I used a younger font style with the language used. The model had a younger shade of make up, a more sophisticated cover up.
The genre chosen was Bands and Orchestra and I made it clear that the target audience
make it clear that my genre was also associated with different social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. This gives the impression to the reader and to people passing by my magazine in a shop that my particular genre, that isn't usually associated with the younger ages, can actually be quite a 'trendy' item for people to buy and read. Due to the fact that I included social media links on the front cover of my magazine, it proved to be effective according to my target audience research; results stated that my front cover of my media product would be enough to encourage them to read my magazine. Another way of attracting my audience was by making my magazine stand out from any other magazines of my genre (Bands and Orchestras). I did this by using a colour scheme that is completely different to other orchestral music magazines (Black and Red) which gives the impression that this magazine is of the 'Rock' genre. As a result of this, my target audience may feel that my magazine has been specifically designed for them due to the colour scheme being very different to any other magazines of that particular genre. However, one of the main issues that I faced was how to differentiate my magazine from the classical genre. In addition to the features above, I ensured that I didn't use any technical language associated with the genre of my choice. This made my magazine a much more viable option for new customers and also for people who are just getting started in the Band/Orchestral music world. If I was to use really technical and formal language, it may put possible buyers off completely but by making my magazine friendly for almost everyone, it opens up a much wider market and gives it a bigger chance of selling to my target audience.
My magazine attracts a younger audience of the ages 16 upwards, which is my target audience. The use of a digital download is a pull factor as the audience would be drawn to buy the magazine to see what the edition holds. In addition the use of other media products like FaceBook for instance is another pull factor as the target audience is the generation of technology so it would draw them in as they could follow and online edition of the magazine.
My magazine also represents all gender groups as there are both images of male and female models. Further more my magazine represents all ethnic groups as the images and stories included do not specify any ethnic groups or cultures. I would include that my wording of the artists that were interviewed were in they're forming slang used, which could by targeted to a certain age group, possibly a younger audience.
My contents page is aimed to suit my target audience as it has additions that most modern magazines have for example the review section and also the subscribe section. Both of these additions will attract the target audience and also others as most people today are moving to digital technology and that is why the subscribe section was added to give the reader a chance to stay up dated on the upcoming editions. I also added in a competition to make the younger audience pick up and buy the magazine. This applies to all genders and ethnic groups.
One of the main things I did to attract my target audience I used a younger font style with the language used. The model had a younger shade of make up, a more sophisticated cover up.
The genre chosen was Bands and Orchestra and I made it clear that the target audience
make it clear that my genre was also associated with different social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. This gives the impression to the reader and to people passing by my magazine in a shop that my particular genre, that isn't usually associated with the younger ages, can actually be quite a 'trendy' item for people to buy and read. Due to the fact that I included social media links on the front cover of my magazine, it proved to be effective according to my target audience research; results stated that my front cover of my media product would be enough to encourage them to read my magazine. Another way of attracting my audience was by making my magazine stand out from any other magazines of my genre (Bands and Orchestras). I did this by using a colour scheme that is completely different to other orchestral music magazines (Black and Red) which gives the impression that this magazine is of the 'Rock' genre. As a result of this, my target audience may feel that my magazine has been specifically designed for them due to the colour scheme being very different to any other magazines of that particular genre. However, one of the main issues that I faced was how to differentiate my magazine from the classical genre. In addition to the features above, I ensured that I didn't use any technical language associated with the genre of my choice. This made my magazine a much more viable option for new customers and also for people who are just getting started in the Band/Orchestral music world. If I was to use really technical and formal language, it may put possible buyers off completely but by making my magazine friendly for almost everyone, it opens up a much wider market and gives it a bigger chance of selling to my target audience.

My magazine also represents all gender groups as there are both images of male and female models. Further more my magazine represents all ethnic groups as the images and stories included do not specify any ethnic groups or cultures. I would include that my wording of the artists that were interviewed were in they're forming slang used, which could by targeted to a certain age group, possibly a younger audience.
My contents page is aimed to suit my target audience as it has additions that most modern magazines have for example the review section and also the subscribe section. Both of these additions will attract the target audience and also others as most people today are moving to digital technology and that is why the subscribe section was added to give the reader a chance to stay up dated on the upcoming editions. I also added in a competition to make the younger audience pick up and buy the magazine. This applies to all genders and ethnic groups.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Monday, 1 February 2016
Media Product Evaluation - Question 3
'This company publish specialist magazines and also have a musical and performing arts contract/ supplements. In this way I think they would be interested in my magazine as they do not have Bands & Orchestra music magazine targeting this age group. All of their magazines target a much older age group. I want my magazine to have a Kerrang/ Q feel.
My magazine would enable Rhinegold to target a wider market. They also promote live events which I could advertise on my contents page.
I like the way they are seeking new products : “We strive to offer news, reviews, topical columns and opinion pieces on music and the performing arts that are welcomed by our readers, respected by the music and performing arts sector, and valued by our commercial partners.”
Subscriptions are also available which will appeal to my TA. They are also a high quality producer.
My only worry is that they do not do digital distribution in the same way Bauer Media do. Therefore , it may be possible to combine these two companies and to use Bauer to distribute my magazine regionally, nationally and globally. Bauer use all digital distribution and I think my magazine really needs this.'
This was my research on other media institutions. My final project to me applies to both Bauer and Rhinegold as within the features of my magazine I have included:
This was my research on other media institutions. My final project to me applies to both Bauer and Rhinegold as within the features of my magazine I have included:
- Access to many social medias like Facebook and Twitter. This is what Bauer does in their magazines. At the beginning you can see I set out for my magazine to have the Q and Kerrang feel, and I feel that I have achieved this goal.
- Both institutions have their magazines to have an adult feel. I believe that my magazine has an adult feel included but also a modern feel as the language used is used between the ages 15-26 within my target audience.
- Featured within my magazine is digital distribution which is highly used within Bauer media and I have included a subscribe option within the pages.

I believe that my final magazine is perfect for the media institutions chosen as Bauer doesn't currently distribute a magazine of genre Band and Orchestra. My magazine has the feel of both Kerrang and Q which is distributed by Bauer. The features include the most popular social media networks, digital distribution and a modern feel.
Media Product Evaluation - Question 2
In my final magazine to make the representation of a young male star, I had included my model in such a pose that the lighting was being reflected in his glasses to give the impression that his future is bright. In addition to the light reflected in his glasses it shows that he was an underdog raising suddenly into the world of music.
There is many representations included, for instance the language used is for the younger target audience being
There is many representations included, for instance the language used is for the younger target audience being
In my final magazine to make the representation of a young male
star, I had included my model in such a pose that the lighting was being
reflected in his glasses to give the impression that his future is bright. In
addition to the light reflected in his glasses it shows that he was an underdog
rising suddenly into the world of music. Dyer said 'A star is an image, not a real person'. I developed a representation by having the model posed playing his instrument indicating that his fame is when he is playing.
Another representation is that the image is focused in such a
manner that the instrument is more vibrant and stands out from the rest of the
image. This represents that the artist is showing the instrument is his power
and life. The model is wearing black as it puts more focus on the instrument,
as that is the main feature in the image. I used a young male model on my DPS,
as I wanted it to appeal to a female audience. In addition, I used the colour
black for the model’s shirt as in the audience research, many stated that they
wanted a formal dress code and I see black as a formal colour. On the front
cover I had a female audience as I wanted the magazine to appeal to a male audience
as well as the audience research stated that they wanted a female model to be
on the front cover.
How I represented class was that the model has a smart, casual haircut
to attract the formal audience but not be too formal to the middle class. In
addition, class was represented through the model wearing a formal black shirt
without any designs so it didn’t put off the higher class but also appealed to
the middle class.
How I represented lifestyle in my magazine was by having the
models wear black, which represents elegance and mystery. Perkins said ‘Stereotypes
are not simple’. This is used here in the way that the models are young and
modern, in relation to the genre (Bands and Orchestra) most people who are
involved in orchestras are formal and old. I made my models give the impression
that they’re rebellious and ominous. The target audience (TA) was aimed for the
young and mischievous by using the latest slang like ‘mad times’ which the
modern generation understand and use.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Media Product Evaluation - Question 1
In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media?
This is my front cover. After my research into existing magazines, I knew my page must be formal and neat to be recognised as a Bands and Orchestra magazine. To stick to this convention, I organised as many photo shoots as possible so that I was able to get lots of different photos to use on my magazine. When taking my photos, I kept in mind that for a Band and Orchestra genre, I had to have the model wearing formal and elegant makeup and clothes, and looking into the camera lens looking serious, in control and rebellious as someone for target audience to look up to. By shooting the photo so that the model was centre with a black background, I allowed myself plenty of room to fit in a lot of pictures.
My intentions were to place the single photo and pull quotes down the side of the model, however after beginning my construction I found that I had much more space as I had hoped. This means everything on the page is spaced out which is a convention for the Bands and Orchestra genre.
I also broke the conventions of a music magazine by including a free digital download. My reason for this was that almost most of the existing successful magazines of this genre do not include a free digital download. Although it does go against conventions, I feel that by adding in this section makes it more obvious that it's aimed for a younger audience for the genre of the magazine. I also took the opportunity to add a puff and a range of fonts to create synergy which is created a fusion of modern and formal magazines.
Upon reflection on my contents page, I followed conventions by using red, the same of the front cover to appeal to the target audience. The fonts were chosen carefully with the intention to create synergy. In addition, the headline normally takes up around 1/6th of a page and is red, green or blue. I didn't completely adhere to this convention, my headline is 1/6th and is black to maintain my TA's chosen colour.
The language used and the way it was displayed was decided by slightly manipulating the typical conventions of the modern DPS's. The interviewing question-answer style was done in almost every existing magazine I looked at. I believed the pull quote worked well as it summarises the star image. Upon research, I found that most magazines, no matter the genre, had pull quotes. So I kept that convention. I challenged the convention of having a tips and tricks, as I found that this is mostly found in a more social magazine like Pop. I also challenged the puff feature as again it is found in more social magazines but I believe this worked well as I did this is suit the target audience.
This is my front cover. After my research into existing magazines, I knew my page must be formal and neat to be recognised as a Bands and Orchestra magazine. To stick to this convention, I organised as many photo shoots as possible so that I was able to get lots of different photos to use on my magazine. When taking my photos, I kept in mind that for a Band and Orchestra genre, I had to have the model wearing formal and elegant makeup and clothes, and looking into the camera lens looking serious, in control and rebellious as someone for target audience to look up to. By shooting the photo so that the model was centre with a black background, I allowed myself plenty of room to fit in a lot of pictures.
My intentions were to place the single photo and pull quotes down the side of the model, however after beginning my construction I found that I had much more space as I had hoped. This means everything on the page is spaced out which is a convention for the Bands and Orchestra genre.
I also broke the conventions of a music magazine by including a free digital download. My reason for this was that almost most of the existing successful magazines of this genre do not include a free digital download. Although it does go against conventions, I feel that by adding in this section makes it more obvious that it's aimed for a younger audience for the genre of the magazine. I also took the opportunity to add a puff and a range of fonts to create synergy which is created a fusion of modern and formal magazines.
The deep red colour used on the masthead was also used throughout as synergy which follows the usual conventions of many magazines. The red I used was chosen from the model's lip shade to make her involved in the rest of the page.

Thursday, 7 January 2016
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Monday, 4 January 2016
Target Audience Research
Can you identify the music genre from the front cover? Please write it below.
Bands/Orchestra was said the most as the genre of the magazine was bands and orchestra.
Is synergy created between the pages? How?
The results from this question were mainly the colours used and the fonts used that were presented on each page.
Are there iconic, symbolic or indexical signs?What are they?
The use of instruments. The trumpet is symbolic. These were the answers given.
Who do you think the TA is? Age? Gender? Ethnicity? Sexuality?
I was pleased with these results as they were 20-30 years old, both genders, all ethnicity and all sexualities. I aimed my magazine to be exactly what was answered in the question.
What representations are created?
Trumpet - Band/Classical. This was the answer given.
Is the language formal, informal or a mixture?
Informal was the answer as the language used was used to suit the target audience.
Is there anything missing? Anything you would like to see added? Are there changes you think should be made?
More on the front cover. Not enough text on front cover. Not enough puffs/pugs. After these answers were given I made the changes asked.
Bands/Orchestra was said the most as the genre of the magazine was bands and orchestra.
Is synergy created between the pages? How?
The results from this question were mainly the colours used and the fonts used that were presented on each page.
Are there iconic, symbolic or indexical signs?What are they?
The use of instruments. The trumpet is symbolic. These were the answers given.
Who do you think the TA is? Age? Gender? Ethnicity? Sexuality?
I was pleased with these results as they were 20-30 years old, both genders, all ethnicity and all sexualities. I aimed my magazine to be exactly what was answered in the question.
What representations are created?
Trumpet - Band/Classical. This was the answer given.
Is the language formal, informal or a mixture?
Informal was the answer as the language used was used to suit the target audience.
Is there anything missing? Anything you would like to see added? Are there changes you think should be made?
More on the front cover. Not enough text on front cover. Not enough puffs/pugs. After these answers were given I made the changes asked.
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