'This company publish specialist magazines and also have a musical and performing arts contract/ supplements. In this way I think they would be interested in my magazine as they do not have Bands & Orchestra music magazine targeting this age group. All of their magazines target a much older age group. I want my magazine to have a Kerrang/ Q feel.
My magazine would enable Rhinegold to target a wider market. They also promote live events which I could advertise on my contents page.
I like the way they are seeking new products : “We strive to offer news, reviews, topical columns and opinion pieces on music and the performing arts that are welcomed by our readers, respected by the music and performing arts sector, and valued by our commercial partners.”
Subscriptions are also available which will appeal to my TA. They are also a high quality producer.
My only worry is that they do not do digital distribution in the same way Bauer Media do. Therefore , it may be possible to combine these two companies and to use Bauer to distribute my magazine regionally, nationally and globally. Bauer use all digital distribution and I think my magazine really needs this.'
This was my research on other media institutions. My final project to me applies to both Bauer and Rhinegold as within the features of my magazine I have included:
This was my research on other media institutions. My final project to me applies to both Bauer and Rhinegold as within the features of my magazine I have included:
- Access to many social medias like Facebook and Twitter. This is what Bauer does in their magazines. At the beginning you can see I set out for my magazine to have the Q and Kerrang feel, and I feel that I have achieved this goal.
- Both institutions have their magazines to have an adult feel. I believe that my magazine has an adult feel included but also a modern feel as the language used is used between the ages 15-26 within my target audience.
- Featured within my magazine is digital distribution which is highly used within Bauer media and I have included a subscribe option within the pages.

I believe that my final magazine is perfect for the media institutions chosen as Bauer doesn't currently distribute a magazine of genre Band and Orchestra. My magazine has the feel of both Kerrang and Q which is distributed by Bauer. The features include the most popular social media networks, digital distribution and a modern feel.
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