Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Friday, 11 December 2015
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Changing the photo shoot
The model is was going to use can no longer be my model as he is ill on the time of the photo shoot. I will be using new models in return.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Research: Genre DPS 3
This is unconventional as one page of the DPS is a image of the models King of Leon. DPS are normally a two page spread which columns of text on both pages. The page with the text on has four columns of text on it. The language is informal and colloquial in register. This informality keeps the style and tone of the article relaxed and encourages readers to associate with the band. The use of red boxes draws the eye to the pull quote and stand first. The text and image is integrated in a blocky box shape which is also unusual. The masthead is in sans serif bold, white font on a black background. There is a wide range of fonts on this page. The start of the text, the T is in a much larger font. The iconic flag reminds readers of where the band come from and works well with an article that describes their time "In the studio".
The image is of Kings of Leon and all of the models are in a action shot which looks like a studio shot. The image is also an long shot so they can get the whole band in the shot. There is an American flag on show to show that the band is from America and this can also appeal to the American audience. (Barthes) The models are wearing casual clothes which would appeal to the modern audience. In addition the models are not looking at the camera, this breaks conventions and does not provide direct address . This is because it is a performance shot.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The quotes are in a different colour font and made larger.
- The image of the band in action.
- The short and informative text.
Research: Genre DPS 2
This is a double page spread (DPS) from music which can be used when for my genre research. This is unconventional as one page of the DPS is a image of the model Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. DPS are normally a two page spread which columns of text on both pages. The page with the text on has three columns of text on it. Also has the masthead is in a bold, black text which is san serif.
The masthead follows the colour scheme which is bold and a black with a white background.
The image used is of Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. The model is posed in a casual position which looks like it was taken on location. The image was taken in a long shot. The model is wearing formal clothes which will appeal to the older audience. There is an image on the page with the text, which in unconventional as the model is not looking at the camera.
How this has influenced my creativity:
The masthead follows the colour scheme which is bold and a black with a white background.
The image used is of Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. The model is posed in a casual position which looks like it was taken on location. The image was taken in a long shot. The model is wearing formal clothes which will appeal to the older audience. There is an image on the page with the text, which in unconventional as the model is not looking at the camera.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- One page dedicated to the image and the model.
- A image with text around it which will bring a change to just text.
- The start of the text that starts with a letter in a much bigger font.
Research: Genre front cover 10
This is a front cover from jazzwise magazine, which can be used for my genre research.
The masthead of the front cover is in serif although. This will make the front cover conventional as there is some variation.
The text on this front cover is great as it keeps the colour scheme of the front cover. The colour scheme being a violet and white. There are multiple headlines on this cover, all being bold font and using the violet colour scheme.
The image on this front cover is good as it looks as if it was taken on studio but has focused on only the model. The model is giving direct address as he is looking at the camera, which is conventional.
The model in the image is wearing a pair of jeans and a leather jacket which will appeal to the modern audience as his a dress code is smart/casual. The model is posed in a crouched position holding a prop. The prop he is holding is a saxophone and will be conventional for the magazine as it will appeal to the target audience. The image was taken in a full body shot which is due to his pose.
How this has influenced my creativity:
The masthead of the front cover is in serif although. This will make the front cover conventional as there is some variation.
The text on this front cover is great as it keeps the colour scheme of the front cover. The colour scheme being a violet and white. There are multiple headlines on this cover, all being bold font and using the violet colour scheme.
The image on this front cover is good as it looks as if it was taken on studio but has focused on only the model. The model is giving direct address as he is looking at the camera, which is conventional.
The model in the image is wearing a pair of jeans and a leather jacket which will appeal to the modern audience as his a dress code is smart/casual. The model is posed in a crouched position holding a prop. The prop he is holding is a saxophone and will be conventional for the magazine as it will appeal to the target audience. The image was taken in a full body shot which is due to his pose.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The use of props as it will appeal to the target audience.
- The pose the model is in as it is unique and unconventional.
- The colour scheme and how it matches the whole front cover.
Research: Genre Front cover 9
This is a front cover from music magazine, which can be used for my genre research.
The masthead of the front cover is unique as the whole masthead is sans serif although the U is in serif. This will make the front cover unconventional as there is some variation.
The text on this front cover is great as it changes from serif to sans serif. Also there is not a lot of text that will clutter the front page. The headline of this page is in bold and in a different font, which will act as a lure for the audience.
The image on this front cover is good as it looks as if it was taken on location but has focused on only the model. The model is giving direct address as he is looking at the camera, which is conventional.
The model in the image is wearing a suit with a bow tie which will appeal to the older audience as his dress code is formal. This also makes the front page conventional. The pose the model is using is formal and straight to the point as he is just looking at the camera side on and smiling. In addition the image was also a medium shot of the model.
There is a pug in the top right hand corner which is conventional as the pug will draw the reader to turn the page and read on. Also the pug will act as a sneak peek on the shelf as the magazine will cross over.

There is a puff on the magazine front cover showing that there is 120 reviews in this issue.
In addition there is another puff in the bottom on the page which includes some advertisement.

How this has influenced my creativity:

The text on this front cover is great as it changes from serif to sans serif. Also there is not a lot of text that will clutter the front page. The headline of this page is in bold and in a different font, which will act as a lure for the audience.
The image on this front cover is good as it looks as if it was taken on location but has focused on only the model. The model is giving direct address as he is looking at the camera, which is conventional.
The model in the image is wearing a suit with a bow tie which will appeal to the older audience as his dress code is formal. This also makes the front page conventional. The pose the model is using is formal and straight to the point as he is just looking at the camera side on and smiling. In addition the image was also a medium shot of the model.

There is a puff on the magazine front cover showing that there is 120 reviews in this issue.
In addition there is another puff in the bottom on the page which includes some advertisement.

How this has influenced my creativity:
- I would like to vary from sans serif and serif in my magazine as it makes it unique.
- The model wearing formal clothes as it would attract the older audience.
- The puffs and pugs as it would attract the audience.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Research: Genre contents 8
The layout of this contents page is conventional and quite simple. There are images that are on the top of the page with the main article in the center. The center image is larger than the rest. The images are unconventional all but one. They are unconventional as the models are not looking at the camera. Although there is one image that is conventional as the model is looking at the camera, which is direct address. The side images next to the center image are taken in a studio. On the other hand the center image looks as if it was taken on location. Next to the images are the page number for the article about the image. They vary from size 14 to 18.
In addition to the layout there are three columns of text. There are subheading above the synopsis of the feature, which are clearly seen as they are in bold text. The text is sans serif font which is convectional for a music magazine. There are page numbers next to the subheadings, which is shown by the colour red.
In the bottom left of the page is a web address for the Pianist web page. The text is shown in a bold font which is easy to see. There is also advertisement within the web address for a subscription and also a free item.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The main article with a larger image than the rest.
- The layout of the page as it is not plain but not crowded.
- The page numbers next the the subheadings. Shown with a different colour font.
Research: How research has influence my planning and creativity.
1. How this has
influenced my creativity:
- A kicker
to add a variation to the issue.
- An image
that overlaps the title of the main story to give the effect of the model
breaking out.
- A colour
scheme that is used throughout the magazine.
2. How this has
influenced my creativity:
- The use of
the image to set the scene with the season of weather also the wording
- The image
that is overlapping the Q logo.
- The range
of fonts and style used as it will bring a variation to magazine.
3. How this has
influenced me:
- I would
like to use pugs. This would be to make the reader turn the page.
- I would
like to give a free digital download. This could draw in a wider audience
as the reader could like the music chosen. Also people would buy it as it
is a free download in the magazine.
- I would
like to use sans serif and serif font in my title as it would bring a
variation by the serif font being recognised with the classical genre.
4. How
this research has informed my planning and creativity.
- captions
with images
- banners
around each subheading
- the varied
style of the images.
5. How this has
influenced my creativity:
- A constant
colour scheme through out as it will make it look coordinated.
- The model
looking at the camera.
- Columns
around the image as it will make the contents page unique.
6. How this has
influenced my creativity:
- The sans
serif font as it suits my target audience.
- One page
that is dedicated to the image of the model.
7. How this has
influenced my creativity:
- The pug
with 'FREE' as it will draw in more of an audience.
- The kicker
as it will draw in again draw in the audience.
8. How
this has influenced my creativity:
- I am going
to make my contents page more in depth than this with more images.
- I do like
the advertisement at the bottom with a promotion.
- The
subheadings with different coloured font and size.
9. How this has influenced my creativity:
- I would like to vary from sans serif and serif in my magazine as it makes it unique.
- The model wearing formal clothes as it would attract the older audience.
- The puffs and pugs as it would attract the audience.
10. How this has influenced my creativity:
- The main article with a larger image than the rest.
- The layout of the page as it is not plain but not crowded.
- The page numbers next the the subheadings. Shown with a different colour font.
- The use of serif font for the page numbers.
- The use of banners as it will make it look organised.
- The use of images as it be refreshing from the text.
12. How this has influenced my creativity:
- The image with a background blurred as it will focus on the model.
- The image of the model over the title.
- Not much text on the front page
13. How this influenced my creativity and planning:
- The use of advertisement.
- The columns of text as it makes it organised.
- Serif and sans serif font.
14. How this has influenced my research and creativity:
- The use of high quality paper as it will signify upper class.
- Unique colour scheme that will compliment the page.
15. How this has influenced my creativity:
- The images that are colourful.
- The layout. As it will add more of an effect, with organisation.
- The use of advertisement.
16. How this has influenced my creativity:
- The use of arrangement of the front cover as it will be organised.
- Serif and san serif font as it will make it look as if it a bands magazine.
17. How this has influenced my creativity:
- The colour scheme that matches and suits the genre.
- The image where the model looks formal.
- The use of kickers and other features.
18. How this has influenced my creativity:
- The use of props as it will appeal to the target audience.
- The pose the model is in as it is unique and unconventional.
- The colour scheme and how it matches the whole front cover.
19. How this has influenced my creativity:
- One page dedicated to the image and the model.
- A image with text around it which will bring a change to just text.
- The start of the text that starts with a letter in a much bigger font.
Research: Audience survey
Target Audience questionnaire
1. What would you associate with bands and orchestra?
Wood wind
2. What font style do you prefer?
Sans Serif
3. What colour scheme would you prefer?
4. Would you prefer studio or location images?
5. How many people would there have to be to form an orchestra?
6. What kind of dress code would you prefer?
7. Do you go to gigs or shows?
8. What free things do you like in magazines?
9. What do you think of modern orchestra?
Out of date
Don't like it
Like it
10. Do you like puzzles and quizzes?
11. What features do you like in magazines?
12. Would you like other articles in a magazines?
13. Do you buy items online?
14. Do you buy subscriptions, If yes, online or offline?
15. Do you like a lot of images?
16. Would you prefer a female or male model on the cover?
This is a survey that will determine my target audience's preferences. The questions vary from what colours and font they like to whether they go to gigs or shows.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Research: Genre contents 7
This is a contents page from UNCUT magazine and is very boring as there is too much text. There is two columns of text that takes up the majority of the contents page. This makes the contents page unconventional.
There is only two images on this contents page, which are very plain that add no effect on making the audience to read on. But on the other hand the models in the images are looking at the looking at the camera which gives direct address, making this page conventional.
The text is in sans serif. Also the texts font is in a size 8, which is hard to read, making the reader lose interest in reading on. To the left of the contents page there another column of text which has subheadings in a different colour font. The subheadings are in a font that is bigger and coloured red.
There is some advertisement at the bottom of the page that has a red banner within it. The writing inside the banner and the advertisement is in a bold red and black font that is immediately more interesting than the whole contents page itself. The advertisement has an image of another front cover and UNCUT magazine. The image follows the house style of the magazine by being red font.
How this has influenced my creativity:
There is only two images on this contents page, which are very plain that add no effect on making the audience to read on. But on the other hand the models in the images are looking at the looking at the camera which gives direct address, making this page conventional.
The text is in sans serif. Also the texts font is in a size 8, which is hard to read, making the reader lose interest in reading on. To the left of the contents page there another column of text which has subheadings in a different colour font. The subheadings are in a font that is bigger and coloured red.
There is some advertisement at the bottom of the page that has a red banner within it. The writing inside the banner and the advertisement is in a bold red and black font that is immediately more interesting than the whole contents page itself. The advertisement has an image of another front cover and UNCUT magazine. The image follows the house style of the magazine by being red font.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- I am going to make my contents page more in depth than this with more images.
- I do like the advertisement at the bottom with a promotion.
- The subheadings with different coloured font and size.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Research: Genre front cover 8
This is a front cover from Pianist that can be used from my genre research. The masthead is recognizable as it is always a bold and white font which is sans serif.
The lure is what brings in the audience. The capitalised headline 'IMPROVE' makes the audience want to find out what the topic is about. In addition it is a kicker as as it stands from the rest of the front cover.
The colour scheme is consistent through out the front cover with it being white, yellow and blue. The yellow, which is used for the kicker, is also used for the pug in the top right hand corner. Which is another lure as the reader will see 'FREE' and want to read about it.
The front cover is conventional as the model is looking at the camera. The model gives direct address in the image. This magazine will be targeted at the older audience as the image and the layout is formal and quite dule.
How this has influenced my creativity:
The lure is what brings in the audience. The capitalised headline 'IMPROVE' makes the audience want to find out what the topic is about. In addition it is a kicker as as it stands from the rest of the front cover.
The colour scheme is consistent through out the front cover with it being white, yellow and blue. The yellow, which is used for the kicker, is also used for the pug in the top right hand corner. Which is another lure as the reader will see 'FREE' and want to read about it.
The front cover is conventional as the model is looking at the camera. The model gives direct address in the image. This magazine will be targeted at the older audience as the image and the layout is formal and quite dule.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The pug with 'FREE' as it will draw in more of an audience.
- The kicker as it will draw in again draw in the audience.
Research: Genre DPS 1
This is a double page spread (DPS) from Country which can be used when for my genre research. This is unconventional as one page of the DPS is a image of the model Ray Price. DPS are normally a two page spread which columns of text on both pages. The page with the text on has three columns of text on it. Also has the masthead is in a bold, white text which is sans serif.
The masthead follows the colour scheme which is bold and white with a blue background. The colour blue which is used can indicate that the DPS was aimed at the male audience.
The image used is of Ray Price which is tribute to him and he is posed in a formal pose with his arms crossed and looking straight as the camera, which is conventional.
How this has influenced my creativity:
The masthead follows the colour scheme which is bold and white with a blue background. The colour blue which is used can indicate that the DPS was aimed at the male audience.
The image used is of Ray Price which is tribute to him and he is posed in a formal pose with his arms crossed and looking straight as the camera, which is conventional.
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The sans serif font as it suits my target audience.
- One page that is dedicated to the image of the model.
Research: Genre contents 6
This contents page is from Jazzwise and is from my genre of music I have chosen for my magazine. This contents page is unconventional as the image used is centered with the text around it. In addition it is very unconventional as its only a one page contents page as normal ones are a two page spread. The masthead which is jazzwise is using the house style of bold and grey and is also sans serif.
There are two columns of texts which gives the page numbers and a little extract of each feature. The number and the subheadings are in a larger font.
The image used is conventional as the model is looking at the camera, also the colour scheme is matching as the model is wearing a white dress and has lilac lipstick on. The lilac lipstick matches the colour of the font used for the issue and sub headings.
There is a banner that matches the colour scheme as it is a lilac colour.
The theorist Mulvey can be used as the image of the model is used for the 'Male Gaze'
How this has influenced my creativity:
There are two columns of texts which gives the page numbers and a little extract of each feature. The number and the subheadings are in a larger font.
There is a banner that matches the colour scheme as it is a lilac colour.
The theorist Mulvey can be used as the image of the model is used for the 'Male Gaze'
How this has influenced my creativity:
- A constant colour scheme through out as it will make it look coordinated.
- The model looking at the camera.
- Columns around the image as it will make the contents page unique.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Research: Institutions research
The publisher I have found that produces a magazine of my genre which is bands and orchestra. The publisher I have found is Rhinegold Publishing.
This is a music education magazine which may not appeal to my TA. I want to combine Kerrang with Classical.
Although this company meets my chosen genre it probably isn't going to be the right institution for my magazine.
I need a big young company that will really target my TA through different technologies.
This is a music education magazine which may not appeal to my TA. I want to combine Kerrang with Classical.
Although this company meets my chosen genre it probably isn't going to be the right institution for my magazine.
I need a big young company that will really target my TA through different technologies.
Research: Target Audience profile
This is a Word Cloud that shows my target audience profile and the rough idea of what they will do on a day to day basis like where they would eat, watch, drink and do.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Research: Theorists
We have been looking at many theorists. Here are some of the theorists:
1. Dyer said "How we are seen determines how we are treated" also " A star is an image, not a real person."
2. Mulvey said that women's images and looks are modelled on "male gaze."
3. Julian McDougall (2009) said "In the online age it is getting harder to conceive a media audience as a stable, indentifiable group."
4. Stuart Hall (1997) said " Defines representation as 'The process by which members of a culture use language to provide meaning.' From this meaning, he says we can already see that 'Representation' can not possibly be a fixed unchangeable notion.
1. Dyer said "How we are seen determines how we are treated" also " A star is an image, not a real person."
2. Mulvey said that women's images and looks are modelled on "male gaze."
3. Julian McDougall (2009) said "In the online age it is getting harder to conceive a media audience as a stable, indentifiable group."
4. Stuart Hall (1997) said " Defines representation as 'The process by which members of a culture use language to provide meaning.' From this meaning, he says we can already see that 'Representation' can not possibly be a fixed unchangeable notion.
![]() |
Example of Dyer "A star is an image" |
![]() |
This is an example of Mulveys 'Male Gaze' |
Research: Contents analysis 5
This contents page from Mojo is unconventional as it is only on one page. Contents pages are normally on a two page spread. The masthead which is Mojo is using the house style of bold and black writing which san serif.
The images used on this contents page are unique as the image of Bruce Springsteen is sepia and old looking. His star image has changed, he looks like he has been printed on wood. The article is to remind viewers of his success and vintage appeal.

There is one column of text which gives the page numbers and a little extract of each feature. The number and the subheadings are in a larger font. Two of the subheadings are red and one is blue. The blue contents are more informative whereas the red features are articles about specific bands and performers.
There are 8 images on this contents page. each supports an important feature. Two are location shots and the rest are studio. Two images are of digipaks and overlap the top image. There are captions with the images to give more information.
How this research has informed my planning and creativity.
The images used on this contents page are unique as the image of Bruce Springsteen is sepia and old looking. His star image has changed, he looks like he has been printed on wood. The article is to remind viewers of his success and vintage appeal.

There is one column of text which gives the page numbers and a little extract of each feature. The number and the subheadings are in a larger font. Two of the subheadings are red and one is blue. The blue contents are more informative whereas the red features are articles about specific bands and performers.
There are 8 images on this contents page. each supports an important feature. Two are location shots and the rest are studio. Two images are of digipaks and overlap the top image. There are captions with the images to give more information.
How this research has informed my planning and creativity.
- captions with images
- banners around each subheading
- the varied style of the images.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Research: Classic Contents page 4
How this influenced my creativity and planning:
- The use of advertisement.
- The columns of text as it makes it organised.
- Serif and sans serif font.
Research: Contents page 3
How this has influenced my research and creativity:
- The use of high quality paper as it will signify upper class.
- Unique colour scheme that will compliment the page.
Research: Genre research. Contents page 2
This is an unconventional contents page. Its only on a standard page unlike most common contents page.
When you look at this contents page, the main thing that stands out is the banner which breaks conventions and goes across the middle of the page. The pugs in "February 2014" in addition the text inside the banner is sans serif whereas the text inside the images is serif.
There are four columns of text that show a brief description of each section of text. The text follows the colour scheme of the image above with white and red.
There is some white space in the contents page, this is to make the columns of text to be more visible. There is space here for more links to social media or perhaps a puff.
The images used in this contents page are showing what the page is about. In the images there are the page numbers and the text for the numbers are in serif fonts.
The theorist Mulvey can be added to this contents pages the model in the image that was used in both the front cover and contents page as she made to look for the 'Male Gaze'. On the other hand the images in all of the contents page are unconventional as none of them are looking at the camera
How this has influenced my creativity:

There are four columns of text that show a brief description of each section of text. The text follows the colour scheme of the image above with white and red.
There is some white space in the contents page, this is to make the columns of text to be more visible. There is space here for more links to social media or perhaps a puff.
The images used in this contents page are showing what the page is about. In the images there are the page numbers and the text for the numbers are in serif fonts.
The theorist Mulvey can be added to this contents pages the model in the image that was used in both the front cover and contents page as she made to look for the 'Male Gaze'. On the other hand the images in all of the contents page are unconventional as none of them are looking at the camera
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The use of serif font for the page numbers.
- The use of banners as it will make it look organised.
- The use of images as it be refreshing from the text.
Research: Contents page analysis 1
Contents page power point from harryford8991
How this has influenced my creativity:
How this has influenced my creativity:
- The images that are colourful.
- The layout. As it will add more of an effect, with organisation.
- The use of advertisement.
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